Infective Maltruism: Is Charity Still Charity When It Is Performed for Uncharitable Reasons?
Looking beyond the “aw, neat, what a great person” façade of effective altruism, one clearly finds a level of narcissistic cynicism and a drive to the permanent power that financial immortality affords that is only matched by the amount of
Defining a Good: The Intersection of St. Thomas Aquinas and Carl Menger
The roots of Austrian economics go back to the great theologian Thomas Aquinas, whose view of what constitutes a good was a prototype of Menger's pathbreaking theory of the good. Original Article: "Defining a Good: The Intersection of St. Thomas Aquinas and Carl
Micronations in International Law: How US Policy Could Improve the Fortunes of Upstart Libertarian Countries
After years spent toiling as an activist against the tide of Czech politics, Vít Jedlička concluded that it would be easier to build a libertarian nation from scratch somewhere else. In April 2015, he declared that a new country called
The Constitution Failed. It Secured Neither Peace nor Freedom.
If one cares to look, it's not difficult to find numerous columns written for mainstream news outlets announcing that the US Constitution has failed. This ought to raise the question of "failed to do what?" The answer depends largely on
Authoritarianism Is Not Compatible with Economic Progress: Freedom Is Indivisible
The belief that a free market economy needs an authoritarian state to support it is mistaken. Mises said it best when he wrote that "freedom is indivisible." Original Article: "Authoritarianism Is Not Compatible with Economic Progress: Freedom Is Indivisible" This Audio Mises Wire
America, Brazil, and the Illegitimacy of Weaponized Democracy
In recent years, it has become popular in parts of conservative discourse to discuss the “Brazilianization of America,” a reference to the challenges a large country faces in governing an increasingly multicultural “universal nation.” But this weekend, it was the
Angie Morgan Witkowski: How To Win With Risk
The concept of risk provides us with an excellent opportunity to bridge between formal economic theory and personal business experience. Economics provides us with rigorous understanding of risk and uncertainty and the distinctions between them and their various types. But
The Case for Disbanding Public Health Agencies
Public health agencies tend to be treated like authoritative sacred cows. In reality, they have politicized health policies to the point where they really are a health hazard. Original Article: "The Case for Disbanding Public Health Agencies" This Audio Mises Wire is generously
The Senator Who Didn’t Know (but Thought She Did)
Legislators have a strange relationship with magic. To achieve that which physically cannot be done, they like to wave magic wands and pretend that it can. Reality puts a limit on political power, a realization that always sits poorly with
Biden Is Lying about the Jobs Data
The personal savings rate is near seventeen-year lows. Credit card debt is at record levels. Millions of prime-age workers have quit the job market, and full-time employment continues to wither. On the other hand, the Biden Administration wants you to