Pennsylvanians May Amend Constitution to Stop Endless Lockdowns
Not only will these amendments reduce the abuse of emergency declarations, but they will also help to decentralize power within Pennsylvania. While COVID-19 has allowed the executive branch to run wild, Pennsylvania is actually structured in a way that makes the
China Needs More Economic Freedom—Not a Bigger Welfare State
China has not been spared heavy criticism about its growth mode since it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Leading the choir of discontent, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) claimed that “high savings are at the heart of
If America Splits Up, What Happens to the Nukes?
Opposition to American secession movements often hinges on the idea that foreign policy concerns trump any notions that the United States ought to be broken up into smaller pieces. It almost goes without saying that those who subscribe to neoconservative ideology
Money, Interest, and the Business Cycle
[This essay is a selection from lecture 7 in Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction.] The banks very often expand credit for political reasons. There is an old saying that if prices are rising, if business is booming, the party in power
Subzero Rates Are Coming to the US and the UK
Negative rates are the destruction of money, an economic aberration based on the mistakes of many central banks and some of their economists, who all start from a wrong diagnosis: the idea that economic agents do not take more credit or invest
Mises University Schedule, Accommodations, Airport & Required Reading
Listed below is information on accommodations, shuttle between airports and Auburn, and links to the readings that all students must complete before attending Mises University. Masks are not required, but please respect distancing from faculty and other students. If you
Elise Amez-Droz: Those Treacherous “Essential” and “Non-essential” Labels
Our guest is Elise Amez-Droz, program manager for the Open Health program at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, where she also manages the health policy portfolio. Ms. Amez-Droz is a Public Policy Fellow with The Fund for American
Government Won’t Save Us from Big Media
Update: as of Monday, February 15, 2021, Parler is back online. A sitting US president is suspended from Twitter, Facebook, and email service provider Campaign Monitor. A pillow entrepreneur not only loses his personal and business Twitter accounts but also ten
Technology Alone Won’t End Poverty. We Need Savings First.
According to some commentators such as economics Nobel Laureate Paul Romer, technical knowledge is key to economic growth. But if this is the case, why do third world economies continue to experience poverty? After all, individuals in these economies have access to
Is Math Racist? That Does Not Compute
Racism has, tragically, raised its ugly head throughout history. And American has certainly seen its share. But after all the other things that have been called racist, with everything connected to them bearing guilt by association, it is nonetheless stunning