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  /  Editor's Pick   /  I’m at the Society for Benefit Cost Analysis conference in DC

I’m at the Society for Benefit Cost Analysis conference in DC

This is the first in-person SBCA conference since 2019 following a cancelled 2020 conference and online conferences in 2021 and 2022. I organized two sessions on environmental nonmarket valuation and, in my opinion, they turned out great. 

The sessions were put together following a “call for papers” on Twitter. Five guys were interested and with my paper that made 2 sessions. I’m hoping to do this again next year but know that a tweet isn’t the best way to try to put a session together (e.g., 3 sessions is better than 2!). If anyone is interested in participating next year or has ideas about how to get the word out, please let me know (I’ll probably risk the wrath of AERE with an email on the RESECON listserv). 

Here are the session details:

Estimating Environmental Benefits from Housing Markets
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | GWU Amphitheater

Organizer:John Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Chair:John Whitehead, Appalachian State University

The Economic Consequences of Local Gas Leaks: Evidence from Massachusetts Housing Market. …..Pengfei Liu, University of Rhode Island
Environmental Valuation Across Time and Benefit Cost Analysis. …..Patrick Walsh, US EPA NCEE
Untangling Willingness to Pay for Public Land Use Change: An Analysis of Greenways in Raleigh, North Carolina. …..Lee Parton, Boise State University

Estimating Willingness to Pay with Stated Preference Methods
Thursday | 2:15 pm-3:45 pm | GWU Amphitheater
Organizer:John Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Chair:Patrick Walsh, US EPA NCEE

Distribution-free Methods to Estimate Willingness to Pay Models Using Discrete Response Valuation Data. …..Samuel Zapata, Texas A&M University
A Meta-Analysis of Recreational Fishing Benefits. …..Matt Massey, US EPA NCEE
Sea level rise, drinking water quality and the willingness to pay for coastal tourism. …..John Whitehead, Appalachian State University

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