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  /  Editor's Pick   /  Bibliography of North American Reservoir Recreation Non-market Valuation Studies

Bibliography of North American Reservoir Recreation Non-market Valuation Studies

Burt, Oscar R., and Durward Brewer. “Estimation of net social benefits from outdoor recreation.” Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1971): 813-827.

Cameron, Trudy A., W. Douglass Shaw, Shannon E. Ragland, J. Mac Callaway, and Sally Keefe. “Using actual and contingent behavior data with differing levels of time aggregation to model recreation demand.” Journal of agricultural and resource economics (1996): 130-149.

Cha, Wonkyu, and Richard T. Melstrom. “Catch-and-release regulations and paddlefish angler preferences.” Journal of environmental management 214 (2018): 1-8.

Chen, R. J., K. M. Hunt, and R. B. Ditton. “Estimating the economic impacts of a trophy largemouth bass fishery: issues and applications.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23, no. 3 (2003): 835-844.

Chizinski CJ, Pope KL, Willis DB, Wilde GR & Rossman EJ (2005) Economic value of angling at a reservoir with low visitation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 25, 98-104.

Cordell, H. Ken, and John C. Bergstrom. “Comparison of recreation use values among alternative reservoir water level management scenarios.” Water Resources Research 29, no. 2 (1993): 247-258.

Darby, Zachary, Neelam Chandra Poudyal, Adam Frakes, and Omkar Joshi. “Economic Analysis of Recreation Access at a Lake Facing Water Crisis due to Municipal Water Demand.” Water Resources Management (2021): 1-12.

Driscoll, M. Todd, and Randall A. Myers. “Black bass tournament characteristics and economic value at Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Texas.” Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1 (2014): 26-32.

Hanson, Terrill R., Luther Upton Hatch, and Howard C. Clonts. “RESERVOIR WATER LEVEL IMPACTS ON RECREATION, PROPERTY, AND NONUSER VALUES 1.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38, no. 4 (2002): 1007-1018.

Hof, John G., and Donald H. Rosenthal. “Valuing the opportunity cost of travel time in recreation demand models: an application to aggregate data.” Journal of leisure research 19, no. 3 (1987): 174-188.

Huszar, Eric, W. Douglass Shaw, Jeffrey Englin, and Noelwah Netusil. “Recreational damages from reservoir storage level changes.” Water Resources Research 35, no. 11 (1999): 3489-3494.

Hunt, Len M., Peter C. Boxall, and Barry Boots. “Accommodating complex substitution patterns in a random utility model of recreational fishing.” Marine Resource Economics 22, no. 2 (2007): 155-172.

Hutt, Clifford P., Kevin M. Hunt, Susan F. Steffen, Stephen C. Grado, and L. E. Miranda. “Economic values and regional economic impacts of recreational fisheries in Mississippi reservoirs.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33, no. 1 (2013): 44-55.

Jakus, Paul M., Mark Downing, Mark S. Bevelhimer, and J. Mark Fly. “Do sportfish consumption advisories affect reservoir anglers’ site choice?” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 26, no. 2 (1997): 196-204.

Jakus, Paul M., Dimitrios Dadakas, and J. Mark Fly. “Fish consumption advisories: incorporating angler-specific knowledge, habits, and catch rates in a site choice model.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80, no. 5 (1998): 1019-1024.

Jakus, Paul M., Paula Dowell, and Matthew N. Murray. “The effect of fluctuating water levels on reservoir fishing.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2000): 520-532.

Jakus, Paul M., John C. Bergstrom, and Marty Phillips. “Modeling behavioral response to changes in reservoir operations in the Tennessee Valley region: Paul M. Jakus, John C. Bergstrom, Marty Phillips, and Kelly Maloney.” In Preference Data for Environmental Valuation, pp. 267-286. Routledge, 2012.

Loomis, John, and Kawa Ng. “Comparing economic values of trout anglers and nontrout anglers in Colorado’s stocked public reservoirs.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32, no. 2 (2012): 202-210.

McKean, John R., Donn Johnson, and R. Garth Taylor. “Measuring demand for flat water recreation using a two‐stage/disequilibrium travel cost model with adjustment for overdispersion and self‐selection.” Water Resources Research 39, no. 4 (2003).

McKean, John R., Donn Johnson, R. Garth Taylor, and Richard L. Johnson. “Willingness to pay for non angler recreation at the lower Snake River reservoirs.” Journal of Leisure Research 37, no. 2 (2005): 178-194.

McKean, John R., Donn Johnson, and R. Garth Taylor. “Three approaches to time valuation in recreation demand: A study of the Snake River recreation area in eastern Washington.” Journal of environmental management 112 (2012): 321-329.

Melstrom, Richard T., and Matthew Kaefer. “How diverse are preferences for urban fisheries? Evidence from a choice experiment.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25, no. 6 (2020): 503-516.

Melstrom, Richard T., and Taylor Welniak. “The effect of site congestion on valuing freshwater fishing for urban residents.” Water Economics and Policy 6, no. 04 (2020): 1950008.

Messonnier, Mark L., John C. Bergstrom, Christopher M. Cornwell, R. Jeff Teasley, and H. Ken Cordell. “Survey response‐related biases in contingent valuation: Concepts, remedies, and empirical application to valuing aquatic plant management.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82, no. 2 (2000): 438-450.

Nelson, Nanette M., John B. Loomis, Paul M. Jakus, Mary J. Kealy, Nicholas von Stackelburg, and Jeff Ostermiller. “Linking ecological data and economics to estimate the total economic value of improving water quality by reducing nutrients.” Ecological Economics 118 (2015): 1-9.

Oh, Chi-ok, ROBERT B. DITTON, DAVID K. ANDERSON, DAVID SCOTT, and JOHN R. STOLL. “Understanding differences in nonmarket valuation by angler specialization level.” Leisure Sciences 27, no. 3 (2005): 263-277.

Palm Jr, Roger C., and Stephen P. Malvestuto. “Relationships between Economic Benefit and Sport‐Fishing Effort on West Point Reservoir, Alabama‐Georgia.” Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112, no. 1 (1983): 71-78.

Taylor, R. Garth, John R. McKean, and Donn Johnson. “Measuring the location value of a recreation site.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2010): 87-104.

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