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August 2024

  /  2024 (Page 8)

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because

Chris Edwards President Joe Biden said big corporations should pay their fair share, yet he increased corporate tax loopholes 92 percent. Biden promised to end trickle-down economics, yet he showered big corporations with the largest gusher of corporate welfare ever. Just because