DC’s Debt Trap
Federal debt is soaring out of control, and perhaps it is not surprising that the CBO has not updated its forecasts with this debt uncertainty. Original Article: DC's Debt Trap
Do Destroyed Monuments Represent a Past Not Worth Defending?
Many cities and states in this country have been tearing down or destroying monuments because they represent part of a past that progressives and leftists believe should not have existed. Yet each time we tear down something, we potentially lose part
Biden’s “AI Bill of Rights” May Just Be Another Censorship Plan
President Joe Biden is promoting his “AI Bill of Rights,” which looks to be an attempt to censor political opposition. Naturally, political and media elites are enthusiastically endorsing it. Original Article: Biden's ""AI Bill of Rights"" May Just Be Another Censorship Plan
Markets versus State Healthcare Systems: Some Points of Contention
Progressives claim that state-sponsored healthcare systems are superior to market-based systems. Their arguments don’t add up. Original Article: Markets versus State Healthcare Systems: Some Points of Contention
This week's episode begins 2024 by looking at the growing political divide among the American people—and how to solve it. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues. Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at Mises.org/IssuesFree.
What Is Happening to College Sports?
On Monday night, January 8, the University of Michigan and the University of Washington football teams will vie for the collegiate national championship. While championships always bring excitement to fans and participants alike, this year’s game brings attention to major
audine Gay, DEI, and the War in the Middle East
A little over six months ago, Claudine Gay was appointed president of Harvard University, the first black president of that now embattled institution. She recently resigned her post, only to retain a $900,000 salary as a professor. No doubt her
The Bad News Hiding Behind the GDP and Jobs Numbers
Economist Daniel Lacalle joins Ryan and Tho to talk about how central banks are engineering more zombie companies, higher inflation, and a "private sector recession," all hiding behind misleading and bullish aggregate data. Claim your free book: Mises.org/RothPodFree Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at Mises.org/RadioRothbard. Radio
Murray Sabrin on Our Broken Medical System
Murray Sabrin joins Bob to discuss his upcoming online course on the economics of the US healthcare system, including practical solutions. The course begins in mid-January 2024. Dr. Sabrin's New Online Course: Mises.org/HAP429a IPAK-EDU.org is offering the following discounts: 50% off until Jan 6th with
Greenwashing: A Bridge between Austrians and Environmentalists?
Greenwashing is a relatively new term to describe false and misleading claims that a product or business practice has environmental benefits. The point is that companies can advertise their efforts as “green” while continuing various profitable activities that environmentalists consider