What Is Inflation for 2024?
In this week's episode, Mark compares two definitions of inflation and what this means for policy makers and the productive population in 2024. The mainstream view creates nothing but confusion and smokescreens, while the Austrian definition shows that the true definition
Bastiat versus MMT
Proponents of modern monetary theory (MMT) are back in action after a quiet spell during the embarrassing (for them) record price inflation of 2021–23. They are here to tell us that the mountain of government spending and debt is nothing
Government Employee Pensions Are Underfunded. Taxpayers Will Make Up the Difference
People aren’t messing with their 401(k)s enough, according to the The Wall Street Journal. It used to be “Set it and forget it.” Now, according to the Wall Street Journal’s Jon Sindreu, if you forget it, you might miss it. Inspired
Does Government Spending and Money Expansion Create New Wealth or Destroy It?
Many economists claim that economic growth is driven by increases in the total demand for goods and services, additionally claiming that overall output increases by a multiple of the increase in expenditures by government, consumers, and businesses. Thus, it is
Are Capital Gains Income? The Connection with Mises’s Calculation Problem
Bob goes solo to discuss a recent Twitter controversy, in which opponents of a proposed tax argued that unrealized capital gains couldn't possibly be a form of income. Bob cites both Austrian theory and corporate accounting practice to respond that
Jacobin Capitalism?
In his important book The Failure of American Conservatism (2023), the political theorist and philosopher Claes G. Ryn offers some criticisms of libertarianism and free-market capitalism, and in this week’s column, I’d like to examine these. Ryn is not an opponent
Delaying Dollarization Can Put Milei’s Libertarian Agenda at Risk
Daniel Raisbeck and Gabriela Calderon de Burgos
Rising Interest Rates and the “Great Reset” Bubble
Even though many deny it, the “Great Reset” exists, referring to a set of ideas that range from “stakeholder capitalism” to “wokeness” and “fourth industrial revolution” to “transhumanism.” It is effectively popularized especially through the World Economic Forum. The fight
How to Free Ourselves from Government Money (Part III)
To save our economy from destruction and from the eventual holocaust of runaway inflation, we the people must take the money-supply function back from the government. Money is far too important to be left in the hands of bankers and of