Babylon Bee Deserves Krugman’s Nobel Prize
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Mises Institute Fellow Jonathan Newman to discuss economic fake news, featuring a cameo by Taylor Swift and Selina Gomez. Also, sign up today for our special Radio
Unbreakable Union: Lessons Learned from the Demise of the Soviet Union
[This week marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Yuri Maltsev. Dr. Maltsev had been an economist in the Soviet Union under Gorbachev, and defected to the United States in 1989. This article is an adaptation of a lecture
Biden and Forgotten Federal Financial Tyranny
Americans were jolted last week to learn that the Joe Biden administration viewed purchasing a Bible as a potential terrorist warning sign. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed that the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement
The Federal Government’s Version of “Fiscal Responsibility” Offends Merriam and Webster
A glance at the introductory sections in the 2024 budget put forth by the Biden administration might invite dangerous bouts of laughter if only the topic were not so serious and our so-called leaders not so delusional. After the “Budget
Decentralize Spending to Tackle Government Debt
Chris Edwards The federal government’s debt is rising to dangerous and unprecedented heights. Compared to the size of the economy, the debt will soon reach levels never seen in our nation’s history. Congress should change course and cut spending to reduce debt.
The Fed Prepares for a Bank Crisis While Telling Americans the Economy is Strong
Last Thursday, Bloomberg reported that federal regulators are preparing a proposal to force US banks to utilize the Federal Reserve’s discount window in preparation for future bank crises. The aim, notes Katanga Johnson, is to remove the stigma around tapping
What Does Classical-Liberal Foreign Policy Look Like?
Ryan and Zach review a new book on the basics of the "classical liberal" theory of international relations. Drawing on the work of Mises and Hayek, Edwin van de Haar's new IR book provides a useful and insightful summary of
Why Open Borders Don’t Work for Small Countries
The arguments of open-borders advocates may be applicable in some corners of the developed world. However, for small countries next to larger ones, open borders bring serious geopolitical consequences. Original Article: Why Open Borders Don't Work for Small Countries
Why Society Doesn’t Need the State
Thomas Hill Green, an eighteenth-century English philosopher, didn't believe it was possible to have a good society without a powerful state. David Gordon explains why Green’s argument fails to impress. Original Article: Why Society Doesn't Need the State