Human Action Conference 2024
Students apply for a scholarship here. "Once in a great while, a book appears that both embodies and dramatically extends centuries of accumulated wisdom in a particular discipline, and, at the same time, radically challenges the intellectual and political consensus of
Peter St. Onge On Who’s Taking Your Money
Economist Peter St. Onge summarizes some of the major financial and government news stories of the day. Bob's Mises University Talk 'Price Inflation: Corona vs. QE': Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa on February 17: code
The United States Is a Colonial Empire, and an Extremely Successful One
For those who remember their high school textbooks, the issue of America's imperial history is very clear cut. American imperialism, the textbooks told us, was that fairly brief period in American history that lasted from 1898 to 1945. This was
Don’t Let Your Adversaries Raise Your Children
Socialist Antonio Gramsci’s “long march through the institutions” describes the slow and gradual intellectual capture of a society through its influential and powerful institutions, including the church, media, the arts, corporations, schools, and universities, eventually leading to full infiltration. It takes
If One Wishes to Discredit Capitalism, One Should at Least Understand How It Works
Socialism: A Logical IntroductionScott R. SehonOxford University Press, 2024; 268 pp. This is a better book than I expected it to be, but it is not without its problems. Scott Sehon, a philosophy professor at Bowdoin College, is strongly inclined to
Friday Feature: Awakening Spirit Homeschool Collaborative
Colleen Hroncich Amy Marotz loved being a teacher at a classical‐type charter school. But when she had children, she wanted to stay home with them and be their teacher first. She may not have expected it, but Amy was learning right alongside them.
Data Privacy Day 2024: Where We Are and What to Watch in the Data Privacy Debate
Jennifer Huddleston and Emma Hopp January 28 is Data Privacy Day. An October 2023 survey from the Pew Research Center found “72% of Americans say they have little to no understanding about the laws and regulations that are currently in place
Climate Deniers Deny Socialism. That’s Why the Regime Hates Them.
Free markets is an unambiguous term, which implies a lack of inappropriate government intervention as consumers and firms pursue their own interest in a competitive environment. (my emphasis) —Clifford Winston, “This Economist Really Loves Free Markets” Inappropriate government intervention is a line
The Next Austrian School Renaissance
Having recently completed forty-one years as a university economics professor I am convinced that books like Human Action in particular, and the Austrian School in general, are more needed than ever if Western civilization is to be saved from the