Social Security Pays Excessive Benefits to the Highest-Income Earners: A UK Comparison
Romina Boccia When it comes to government provision of retirement benefits, differences abound. Comparing the US Social Security program to the UK state pension illustrates a stark contrast. While both countries promise an old-age safety net, the US Social Security benefit
GDP is a Poor Measure of Economic Health
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most common measure of national wealth and economic growth. Yet the layman—and even many businessmen and economists—is taken aback when mainstream commentators and professionals get very excited about changes to GDP, which seem to
Are We Really All in This Together?
Whenever governing elites create a new crisis, they insist that “we're all in this together.” It’s time to ignore their lies altogether. Original Article: Are We Really All in This Together?
A Short History of the Right to Self-Determination
Modern international law tends to grant a right to “remedial self-determination” only in extreme cases. Unfortunately, this position accepts that states ought to be free to violate human rights so long as the abuses fall short of war crimes and genocide. Original Article: A Short History of the
Climate Deniers Deny Socialism. That’s Why the Regime Hates Them.
So-called climate change is really an excuse for government to do what it does worst: intervene in our economic affairs. While government efforts will not cool the planet, they will make life more difficult for the planet’s inhabitants. Original Article: Climate Deniers Deny Socialism.
Washington’s Planned Theft of Credit Card Benefits
Congressional Democrats are trying to intervene in a complex and varied market they know little about but that consumers navigate without need of help. This will not end well. Original Article: Washington’s Planned Theft of Credit Card Benefits
Does the Balance of Payments Determine Exchange Rates?
It is a common belief that a key factor in determining the currency exchange rate is the balance of payments. An increase in imports increases the demand for foreign currency. To obtain the foreign currency, importers buy it using domestic
How Governor Whitmer Doomed Detroit Autoworkers
The new year started out on a painful note for autoworkers building electric vehicles (EVs). In the last month, thousands of workers have been laid off from General Motors (GM) and Ford plants in Michigan. Most workers involved were, or were