Be on the Lookout for These Lies in Biden’s State of the Union Address
In his State of the Union speech Thursday, President Biden will claim the economy is growing—and that his administration will “crack down” on corporate greed. He will not address the damage his administration has done to the economy.
Dissecting Lincoln
David Gordon reviews Paul C. Graham’s Nonsense on Stilts: The Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s Imaginary Nation, examining Lincoln's logic and finding it wanting.
States Rights and Anti-Interventionism is Rising
As the State continues to grow in power and intrude on the lives of citizens, the states have begun to cling power back from the Federal Government.
Taiwan Arms Backlog, February 2024 Update: Long Waits for F-16 Upgrade, Guided Bombs
Eric Gomez and Benjamin Giltner
Getting the Great Depression (Almost) Right — And Totally Wrong
Few economists—even the free-market advocates—understand what caused the Great Depression. No, the Fed didn’t cause the Depression by failing to inflate the currency. Instead, it was the Fed’s inflation that led to the disastrous early events.
Covid Showed Us Who Really Rules America
It is during "emergencies" when we learn who really holds political power, and how ineffective are constitutional measures designed to limit the regime.