Wealth, Wisdom, and Prosperity: The Ancient Capitalist Tradition of India
While modern India is known for adopting socialism in the 1940s, it has an older tradition of free markets. It is time to rediscover that tradition.
The OECD’s Pillar One Global Tax Cannot Be Salvaged
Adam N. Michel Last week, the Ways and Means Committee held a hearing on Pillar One of the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development’s (OECD) plan to remake the global business tax system and raise taxes on American businesses in the
New Cato Study: “Biden Short‐Term Health Plans Rule Creates Gaps in Coverage”
Michael F. Cannon Any day now, the Biden administration could issue a regulation that, if it mirrors what the administration proposed in July, would take comprehensive health insurance away from some 500,000 consumers. Worse, exposing consumers to those risks appears to be
Should the US Congress Audit the Federal Reserve?
Nearly two decades ago, Congressman Ron Paul identified his campaign with the call to "audit the Fed." Congress ignored him then, but the movement to examine and demystify the Fed now is growing.
Covid: Four Years Later
On this week's Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho reflect on the fourth anniversary of the political response to covid.
The Fiscal State of the Nation: Testimony
Romina Boccia Below are abbreviated remarks I delivered before the US Joint Economic Committee on March 12, 2024. Read my full testimony “The Fiscal Situation of the United States.” Watch my testimony at 1:12:19–1:17:25 with responses to member questions at 1:31:45–1:32:54, 2:11:25–2:12:20,
Biden’s Phony Deficit Reduction
Chris Edwards President Biden’s new federal budget proposes high spending and huge deficits for years to come. The deficits are expected to boost government debt held by the public from $28 trillion this year to $45 trillion by 2034. The budget baseline—which
Critical Race Theory and the Courts: Judicial Injustice
Courts in the US and Canada are beginning to rule in favor of race-based outcomes, making "justice" a tool of ethnic identity. This movement will not end well.