The Folly of Rent Control in New York City (Again)
New York City’s government has imposed draconian rent controls. The natural outcome, as economists note, has been massive shortages, as apartment owners no longer have an incentive to rent empty apartments.
Free Markets and the Antidiscrimination Principle
The right to be able to enter into contracts with others is fundamental to free markets and a free society. That means people should be able to engage in discrimination.
No, There Is Not a Perfect Open Border System between the States
Open-borders advocates often point to the alleged openness of borders between the individual states in the USA. However, a closer look shows there are many restrictions most Americans are unaware of.
A Tale of Two Bureaucracies
Today we are featuring the winning essays in the Student Essay Contest for undergraduates at the Austrian Economics Research Conference.
Bureaucracy and Grove City College: How One College Resisted the Bureaucratization of Higher Education
Today we are featuring the winning essays in the Student Essay Contest for undergraduates at the Austrian Economics Research Conference.
Haiti, Jimmy Barbeque, and Uncle Sam
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho are joined by Marcel Gautreau to discuss the situation unfolding in Haiti.
CNN Is Wrong. Deflation Is a Good Thing
A recent CNN broadcast claimed that deflation was bad for the economy and that we need to adjust to higher prices. As usual, the journalistic “experts” got it backwards.