IVF Critics’ Claims Don’t Hold Up under Scrutiny
Vanessa Brown Calder In recent months, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling on in vitro fertilization (IVF), the subsequent passage of a bill protecting fertility treatment in the state, and proposed federal IVF legislation have all generated new interest in a topic area once taken
IVF Critics’ Claims Don’t Hold Up under Scrutiny
Vanessa Brown Calder In recent months, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling on in vitro fertilization (IVF), the subsequent passage of a bill protecting fertility treatment in the state, and proposed federal IVF legislation have all generated new interest in a topic area once taken
IVF Critics’ Claims Don’t Hold Up under Scrutiny
Vanessa Brown Calder In recent months, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling on in vitro fertilization (IVF), the subsequent passage of a bill protecting fertility treatment in the state, and proposed federal IVF legislation have all generated new interest in a topic area once taken
IVF Critics’ Claims Don’t Hold Up under Scrutiny
Vanessa Brown Calder In recent months, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling on in vitro fertilization (IVF), the subsequent passage of a bill protecting fertility treatment in the state, and proposed federal IVF legislation have all generated new interest in a topic area once taken