Artificially Low Interest Rates Are Creating Economic Chaos
In this review of Edward Chancellor’s The Price of Time, Joakim Book notes that a market economy cannot function correctly when central bankers manipulate interest rates.
Marx, Class Conflict, and the Ideological Fallacy
According to Marx, all ideas represent class-based interests, leaving no room for objective truth. The problem is that Marxists claim to hold to objective truth, but manage to contradict themselves.
Connecticut’s Housing Shortage Is Rooted in Government Policies
While Connecticut authorities call on "experts" to help them quell the state's housing shortage, they fail to consider the policies that have caused it.
Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Debate Continues
We don’t know whether Fed Chair Powell is watching the price of gold or Bitcoin. What we know is the value of the U.S. dollar continues to decline.
Is “Havana Syndrome” Russian Aggression or Another Media Conspiracy Theory?
According to a recent 60 Minutes broadcast, Russian agents are suspected of launching microwave rays at US diplomats abroad. The problem is that many of these stories are technologically implausible. Maybe skepticism is in order here.
“Conspiracy” Is Not a Real Crime, and Trump Isn’t Guilty of It
"Conspiracy to commit X" is not "X." Rather, conspiracy crimes are "crimes" of words and thoughts that can be prosecuted even if there is no victim and no underlying crime actually occurred.
Spending Madness Quarterfinals
Chris Edwards There are eight federal programs remaining in Spending Madness 2024. These are high‐priority spending cuts for Congress to consider, according to our crowdsourced tournament results so far. Please vote today in the quarterfinals, and then we’ll move to the next