The Failure of Conservatism
The Failure of American Conservatism and the Road Not TakenBy Claes G. RynRepublic Book Publishers, 2023; 468 pp. Claes Ryn, a leading conservative intellectual who taught politics for many years at the Catholic University of America, is by no means a
Another Reason Why Individual Freedom Is So Much Better than Central Planning
Much of the developed world is slipping into a hyperregulated malaise. Growth rates are down across most major economies, and the developing countries are catching up to our errors almost as fast as they are growing. Increasingly, even in the
The Last Conservative
Milton Friedman: The Last ConservativeBy Jennifer BurnsFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2023; x + 587 pp. Imagine that you come across this about the “education premium” on someone’s blog: “By going to college, you are more than tripling your chances for success
From the Editor—January/February 2024
Welcome to the first issue of The Misesian. We’ve decided to rename The Austrian magazine The Misesian to emphasize how Ludwig von Mises remains at the center of everything that that is today called the Austrian School of economics. When the Mises
Understanding the True Meaning of Charity
The Misesian (TM): The economics behind gift giving and charity have long been a neglected topic among researchers and economists. What prompted you to launch your own investigation into the topic? Jörg Guido Hülsmann (JGH): The economic literature on gifts is
The Importance of Hülsmann’s Groundbreaking book Abundance, Generosity, and the State
Guido Hülsmann’s Abundance, Generosity, and the State provides readers with an explanation of the nature and causes of gratuitous goods. Hülsmann demonstrates how free markets are infused with both intentional and unintentional gratuity, and how the repressive and permissive interventions
The Death of Easy Money Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
Reports on the death of the present cycle of politically motivated monetary easing, in the words of Mark Twain, grossly exaggerated. Contemporary market analyses are full of how the Fed and ECB are dialing back on previous hints of Spring