Is Taiwan a De Facto Sovereign Nation or a Province of the PRC?
It is a running gag among the pro-Taiwan camp that if you were to ask ordinary folks about Taiwan five years earlier, most could not locate Taiwan on a map. At the time, matters relating to China were mainly debates
The “New” South Africa Is Now a Newly-Failed State: Don’t Look for Things to Improve
Recently, South Africa evoked opposition in some quarters by bringing a case against Israel to the International Court of Justice on the account that the latter is perpetuating genocide against Palestinians. Israel’s response to the terror of Hamas has been
The Myth of the Unchanging Value of Gold
According to mainstream economics textbooks, one of the primary functions of money is to measure the value of goods and services exchanged on the market. A typical statement of this view is given by Frederic Mishkin in his textbook on
Taiwan Arms Backlog, January 2024 Update: A Jump in Asymmetric Capabilities
Eric Gomez and Benjamin Giltner
Javier Milei Understands the Road to Serfdom
Each week we encounter mouthwatering policies implemented by the newly elected libertarian president of Argentina Javier Milei. He has the libertarian community in awe. His arrival to politics with an openly antisystem discourse shook not only the local scene in Argentina
FISA Legislative ‘Reform’: Secret House Session Edition
Patrick G. Eddington In the legislative business, there are certain “tells” that one side is losing the policy debate so badly that they have to resort to extreme tactics to try to pull out a win. Such appears to be the case
Bank Crises and the Interventionist Spiral
Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank fell like dominos in March–April 2023. The United States Treasury, Federal Reserve, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) intervened in an unprecedented way to stall the domino effect. They
Are Free Markets More Dangerous than Regulated Markets?
Is the regulatory choice a tradeoff between safety or “breaking a few eggs” via free markets? The logic of allowing for free and unhampered markets is compelling. Original Article: Are Free Markets More Dangerous than Regulated Markets?