Henry Kissinger: War Criminal and Enemy of Mankind
Get ready to see George W. Bush, Michelle Obama, Mitch McConnell, and Hillary Clinton all mourn together at Kissinger's funeral as they hail one of the regime's most devoted apologists. Original Article: Henry Kissinger: War Criminal and Enemy of Mankind
The GOP ‘Stimulus Package’ for Campus DEI
Gene Healy House Republicans are waging war against woke
The Anatomy of the Statist
Statists reveal their belief in the almighty state in many different ways, but they all want the same outcome: more government control over our lives. Original Article: The Anatomy of the Statist
President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth
In his latest defense of bloated military spending, President Joe Biden claims that the military budget creates real wealth. Instead, military spending is destroying it. Original Article: President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth
How the Free Market Drove History’s “Great Enrichment”
Beyond Positivism, Behaviorism, and Neoinstitutionalism in Economicsby Deirdre Nansen McCloskeyUniversity of Chicago Press, 2022; 222 pp. Deirdre McCloskey is a great economic historian, and in Beyond Positivism, she makes a number of valuable points that draw from her immense learning in
Prioritize Marijuana Licenses for Past Offenders? No, Just Eliminate Licenses
Jeffrey Miron As states ease their marijuana prohibitions, several
The Immorality of Protectionism
Protectionists are no better than any run-of-the-mill Progressive who wants more taxes on one group in order to subsidize some other group. There's no moral high ground here for the protectionists, just unfounded self-righteousness. Original Article: The Immorality of Protectionism
Government Prohibitions on Raw Milk Are Ignorant and Dangerous
“Salus populi suprema lex.” The health of the people is the supreme law. As ruling ideals go, this is a good one. Unfortunately, the governing class in America decided long ago that raw milk—one of nature’s most perfectly nutritious substances—must be
The Evil of the Residential Property Tax
According to the Case-Shiller index, home prices have increased 44 percent since February 2020. That's just an average, of course, and some markets have seen increases in prices that are far higher. Even in middle-American housing markets, however—where home prices
Conservatives Shouldn’t Assume the Supreme Court Will Save Trump
This week’s decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to ban — for now — Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot is the latest escalation in the broader theatre of deteriorating political norms in America. The four-three decision is grounded