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November 2023

  /  2023 (Page 38)

Mises' work explains how laissez-faire economies have incentives to be peaceful with each other, and how, inversely, tariffs and protectionism create isolation, instability, and war. His words are especially prescient today as conflicts rage and tensions between superpowers continue to

John Mueller As President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping prepare for their meeting next week, some of their briefers may bring up the word “hegemon.” The condition is generally linked with “domination,” or sometimes “mastery” or “supremacy.” Insofar it has been

Eric Gomez Presidents Biden and Xi will have a meeting on the sidelines of the Asia‐​Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco next week. This marks the first time the two leaders are meeting face‐​to‐​face since the G20 summit in Bali