The Senator Who Didn’t Know (but Thought She Did)
Legislators have a strange relationship with magic. To achieve that which physically cannot be done, they like to wave magic wands and pretend that it can. Reality puts a limit on political power, a realization that always sits poorly with
Biden Is Lying about the Jobs Data
The personal savings rate is near seventeen-year lows. Credit card debt is at record levels. Millions of prime-age workers have quit the job market, and full-time employment continues to wither. On the other hand, the Biden Administration wants you to
Industrial Policy Did Not Bring Prosperity to Asia
Forty years ago, American politicians claimed that Japanese economic success was due to government economic planning. Unfortunately, the myth of industrial policy never seems to die, no matter how many times it is discredited. Original Article: "Industrial Policy Did Not Bring Prosperity
Why Economic Stimulus Can’t Work
President Barack Obama returned from the 2010 G20 Summit held in Toronto having failed to convince world leaders that more “economic stimulus” was needed to cure what ails the world’s economies. Walking a seeming tightrope between too much spending and
Objection, Professor Harari! Logic Proves the Existence of Free Will
Yuval Noah Harari, who teaches history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, denies that free will exists. However, to deny free will is to deny human action itself. Original Article: "Objection, Professor Harari! Logic Proves the Existence of Free Will" This Audio Mises Wire
The Present Fiat Monetary System Is Breaking Down
The heart of economic growth is an expanding subsistence fund, or the pool of real savings. This pool, which is composed of final consumer goods, sustains individuals in the various stages of the production process. The increase in the pool
Woke Egalitarianism and the Elites
Modern progressives are not "reformers." Instead, as Murray Rothbard wrote, the progressive method is to seize control of the state and impose their own agenda on everyone. Original Article: "Woke Egalitarianism and the Elites" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
Budget Deficit Hits Monthly Record Due to Biden’s Policies
Federal budget deficits are increasing, but the Biden administration shows no signs of restraining its spending. This is not going to end well. Original Article: "Budget Deficit Hits Monthly Record Due to Biden’s Policies" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
Forget Oil. Now They Are Coming for the Cows
Not satisfied with hamstringing the oil and gas industries, environmentalists now are shutting down farms and production of livestock, all in the name of fighting climate change. But people still need to eat. Original Article: "Forget Oil. Now They Are Coming for
Family Destruction and Its Socialist Cheerleaders
If anyone believes that it is reactionary hysteria to claim the radical Left wishes to destroy the traditional family, then let Sophie Lewis’s 2022 book, Abolish the Family, allay such concerns. This “Manifesto for Care and Liberation” sets forth the