The Government Seeks Totalitarian Money
The Global Currency Plot: How the Deep State Will Betray Your Freedom, and How to Prevent Itby Thorsten PolleitLudwig von Mises Institute, 2023; 190 pp. Thorsten Polleit’s outstanding new book is packed with insights about both the philosophy of economics and
Why the End of the Petrodollar Spells Trouble for the US Regime
By itself, the end of the petrodollar won't destroy the dollar. But it will continue a trend that weakens both the dollar and the US regime's power. Original Article: "Why the End of the Petrodollar Spells Trouble for the US Regime" This Audio Mises
Taxation Is Theft and Cannot Be Justified Even for Charitable Causes
In her article “Multinationals Make Obscene Profits Out of Global Crises—Tax Them to Defend Human Rights,” Magdalena Sepúlveda called for more taxation of multinational corporations and the rich as a means to finance policies that are aimed at protecting the
The Government Throws Money at Heart Disease, but Prevention Is Better than Cure
Americans spend billions of dollars on treating heart disease. Prevention is cheaper, but thanks to perverse government incentives, preventing heart disease takes a backseat to medical spending. Original Article: "The Government Throws Money at Heart Disease, but Prevention Is Better than Cure" This
Why Ron Paul Is Right
The great Dr. Ron Paul has been right about all the major issues that confront the world today. He is right about the Fed, the Ukraine war, the FBI, and so much else. How has he managed to do that?
Meanwhile in Yemen, the US Government Supplies Weapons to Continue the Carnage
Since 2014, the tiny country of Yemen has been devastated by the ongoing civil war following the Houthi takeover of the government. It only worsened in March 2015, when President Barack Obama began to aid the Saudi Arabians in the
Is Capitalism to Blame for the Ohio Train Disaster?
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop address whether the Ohio train disaster is an example of "capitalism gone amuck". They discuss Murray Rothbard's views on pollution, the secondary consequences of the regulatory state, and the decaying
Money versus Monetary Policy
With all due respect to Niall Ferguson, whom I've heard of, and Huw van Steenis, whom I've not, this tweet is quite preposterous. I've personally met more than five people who understand money just in my own circles. What they mean is
Thursday Beer Post: Env-Econer Turns 60!
Happy 60th Birthday to Env-Econ co-founder John. Let's all raise a cold one to the brains behind this operation (before he forgets who we are).