Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Entrepreneurs and Markets
Marketplace competition is reaching a new high with the era of artificial intelligence—deep machine learning capabilities offered to the entrepreneur as specialized services. AI tools as services spanning the marketplace are popping up at a rate that is seemingly increasing
No, Red State Economies Don’t Depend on a “Gravy Train” from Blue States
When Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called (again) for "national divorce" this week, a common retort among her detractors on Twitter was to claim that so-called red states are heavily dependent on so-called blue states to pay for pretty much everything.
The Forgotten Lessons of Government-Enforced Race Relations
Judge Andrew Napolitano looks at the history of government and race relations in our nation's history. It's not a pleasant or uplifting story. Original Article: "The Forgotten Lessons of Government-Enforced Race Relations" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Saint Augustine, Proto-Austrian
In a past Mises Wire article, I’ve written about how Saint Thomas Aquinas’s definition of hope correlates incredibly well with what Carl Menger would describe in his definition a good six centuries later. This trend of religious figures like Aquinas
Why MTG Is Right About National Divorce
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss this week's Twitter and media campaign by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene promoting the idea of national divorce. Ryan and Tho read through some of the tweets that the
Will AI Learn to Become a Better Entrepreneur than You?
While artificial intelligence has its merits, it still cannot perform the job of the Misesian entrepreneur. That is a good thing. Original Article: "Will AI Learn to Become a Better Entrepreneur than You?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
This is going into my tragedy of the commons course material
From Marginal Revolution University's Women in Economics: via Twitter: @Laurent Franckx
Biden versus Bastiat
Whether well-intentioned or otherwise, a “Made in China” ban for construction materials on federally funded infrastructure projects will benefit a chosen political class to the detriment of all else. “This rival, which is none other than the sun, is waging war
Ludwig von Mises’s Monetary Theory in Light of Modern Monetary Thought
Ludwig von Mises's contributions to the development of the technical methods and apparatus of monetary theory continue to be neglected today, despite the fact that Mises succeeded exactly eight decades ago, while barely out of his twenties, in a task
Money versus Monetary Policy
Money is simple. The political program of monetary "policy" is not. Original Article: "Money versus Monetary Policy" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.