Today’s Reactionary Reality
Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.
The New Inflationary Reality
Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.
The Austrian Edge: Leveraging the Austrian Perspective in Business
Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.
Florida vs. Davos: Defending Entrepreneurs from the Managerial Revolution
Recorded in Tampa, Florida on February 25, 2023.
Capitalism Has Improved Life in India, but the Spirit of Collectivism Still Dominates
In 1991, India's political leaders moved away from socialism, embracing markets and improving the economy. But Indian elites continue to push socialism to the detriment of the people. Original Article: "Capitalism Has Improved Life in India, but the Spirit of Collectivism
Roald Dahl and James Bond Books Are Getting Woke Rewrites. Copyright Law Ensures You Can’t Stop Them.
The estate of Roald Dahl this month announced that it would be rewriting many of the long-dead author’s books to better suit a “modern” audience. Translation: The books will be rewritten so the text is more in line with the
Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society
There has been a noticeable decline in the percentage of Americans identifying as religious. Some perceive this seismic shift as evidence of a secularizing culture. In some quarters, the secularization of America is viewed favorably as an agent of modernization.
Covid-19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?
Three years after the covid virus hit the world, we are just starting to take a hard look at the damage caused by the covid restrictions. The "experts" not only were wrong; they were scandalously wrong. Original Article: "Covid-19: Will the
Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be
When the legacy media tells you that democracy is under attack in Canada, don’t believe it. Democracy is alive and well, working exactly as it was designed to work, which is to benefit the political class and their friends at
Decorum Propels DC Deceit
The president's SOTU speech has become an annual presentation of a new set of White House lies. But official Washington believes it is worse to publicly boo false statements than to make them. Original Article: "Decorum Propels DC Deceit" This Audio Mises