The New Racism of the Elect
In the name of "fighting racism," a number of writers and pundits are making social relationships between people of different races and ethnic groups more contentious. Original Article: "The New Racism of the Elect" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher
Are Large Hospitals the Problem with US Healthcare?
Is the main problem with the US healthcare system that hospitals have gotten too large since the 1990s? That seems to be the remarkable conclusion of two of the nation’s most distinguished health-policy analysts, David Dranove and Lawton R. Burns.
Roald Dahl and James Bond Books Are Getting Woke Rewrites. Copyright Law Ensures You Can’t Stop Them.
Thanks to copyright laws, the estate of Roald Dahl can not only rewrite his books, but can also essentially outlaw the old versions. Only books in the public domain are safe from this. Original Article: "Roald Dahl and James Bond Books Are Getting
Gustave de Molinari, First Anarcho-Capitalist
Of all the leading libertarian French economists of the mid- and late nineteenth centuries, the most unusual was the Belgian-born Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912). Born in Liege, the son of a Belgian physician and a baron who had been an
Slavery in the Americas: Separating Fact from Fiction
The history of transatlantic slavery is riddled with fables and errors. Erroneous claims have been propagated in the media because history is currently perceived as a political project that must justify present sensibilities. History has become so politicized that rigorous
Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be
Canadian political, academic, and media elites "worry" that democracy in that country may be under attack. Actually, democracy works all too well there. Original Article: "Is Democracy under Attack in Canada? No, but It Should Be" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored
Biden’s Executive Order on Equity: It Will Create Greater Inequality
On February 16, 2023, President Joe Biden issued his second executive order to strengthen equity within federal agencies. Among other things, it ordered them to install equity officers and implement action plans with the superficial aim of making it easier
Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society
Secularists cheer the decline of religion in Western societies, but that loss comes at a huge cost: the decline of civilization itself. Original Article: "Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored
China’s Emerging Global Leadership Isn’t Just the Result of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters in This Market
It is easy to dismiss Chinese advancements in electric vehicles as the result of government subsidies, but private entrepreneurship also is playing a major role. Original Article: "China's Emerging Global Leadership Isn't Just the Result of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters in This
Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Entrepreneurs and Markets
In our technocratic age, it is easy to dismiss the latest technological developments as an avenue toward freedom, but some of them still bode well for markets. Original Article: "Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Entrepreneurs and Markets" This Audio Mises Wire is generously