Can Government Regulate Artificial Super Intelligence?
The Biden administration claims it wants to get out in front of the development of artificial intelligence. However, the likely scenario is that AI will leave government regulators in its wake. Original Article: Can Government Regulate Artificial Super Intelligence?
The Path to True Freedom is Systematic Privatization
Politics in all its variants, particularly the politics of political parties, is the archenemy of freedom, prosperity, and peace. Yet, wherever one looks, more government is invoked as the solution. Very rare are the voices that claim that a different way
Texas and Florida Social Media Laws Violate the First Amendment
Thomas A. Berry Two years ago, Texas passed a law
STATES Act 2.0 Would Make the Federal Government More In Sync with the States and the People on Marijuana
Jeffrey A. Singer Yesterday, December 7, 2023, Representative David
Friedman versus Rothbard
When we think of Milton Friedman and Murray Rothbard, what come to mind first are their contrary views on economics, but I’d like to discuss a different subject that might surprise some of my readers because they don’t associate Friedman
Money Is Not a Public Good
Nicholas Anthony On November 28, Cecilia Skingsley, head of
Millions and Billions and Trillions—Oh My!
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her friends had to worry about wild animals and wicked witches. Today, Americans face a much more formidable foe: their own free-spending government. Original Article: Millions and Billions and Trillions—Oh My!
Biden Is Providing an Opportunity for a New “Outreach to the Deplorables”
It was an entirely different time when support for Israel was a uniform consensus on the right. Back in the middle of the 2010s, when many liberals and leftists were being “red-pilled,” part of becoming a right-winger included defending Israel
Silent Cal Had a Lot to Say
(Originally published July 1, 2004.)
Historians have trivialized Calvin Coolidge as a do-nothing President naive enough to believe that "the business of America is business," and many have rated him as one of the worst of all time. However, he produced remarkable results without sacrificing our freedoms. And given that he was born on the 4th of July, there is no better time than our Independence Day to remember him.
Lew Rockwell on NOW with Bill Moyers
Lew Rockwell appears on NOW with Bill Moyers. Lew discusses Bush, Iraq, and the US economy. Originally broadcast on March 7, 2003. "We have to educate ourselves, and educate others about our own history, our real history, about what's actually going