Is ExxonMobil’s Acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources a “Threat to Democracy”?
According to a Brown University professor, ExxonMobil threatens our democratic republic by purchasing another company. The totalitarian woke atmosphere in American higher education is the real threat. Original Article: Is ExxonMobil's Acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources a "Threat to Democracy"?
What Would Mises Think? Austria Is Applying (Some) Austrian Economics
Austria is one part of the name “Austrian economics.” How has the country of Austria prospered by applying Austrian economic concepts? The nation regained full sovereignty in 1955. Their form of government is a parliamentary coalition with a prime minister
The Unknown Reasoner
How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policyby John J. Mearsheimer and Sebastian RosatoYale University Press, 2023; 304 pp. How States Think surprised me. John Mearsheimer is a well-known critic of American foreign policy, and his analysis of the Ukraine war
The Treasury is Running Out of Creditors
The US Government will face another round of federal debt expansion in 2024, but will there be enough creditors to allow their continued spending? Investors are not buying Treasury Debt at forecasted rates, foreign investors are exiting federal debt, and
The Inevitable Bust: Why Economic Booms Contain the Seeds of Their Own Destruction
While the Fed tries to engineer the mythical “soft landing” for the economy, Austrian economists know that this is an exercise in futility. Once the credit-fueled boom occurs, the bust logically follows. Original Article: The Inevitable Bust: Why Economic Booms Contain the Seeds
The Immorality of Protectionism
The 2024 campaign, and that means new efforts by politicians to pander to economic nationalists and protectionists by calling for new trade wars and trade controls. This will surely happen even though the Biden Administration has done very little to
It’s Time to Bust the Myth of Fed Omnipotence
Economists, investors, businesspeople, and yes, even our wise politicians seem to believe that the Federal Reserve, using its various “tools” to create money out of thin air (which is illegal for mere mortals like us), can control the economy and
A Chance to Double Your Gift!
Dr. Gary Schlarbaum, one of our generous supporters, has again offered to match donations received through December 11. That means your $10 donation becomes $20, your $25 donation becomes $50, and so on. For the last nine years, Gary has