How Not to Desocialize: Argentina Edition
Argentina’s president-elect, Javier Milei, is set on implementing promarket policies, including a vast desocialization, or privatization, of the economy. The privatization of the Argentine airline industry is seemingly first on the agenda (along with privatization of state-owned media). Privatization is
The TSA Is Still Crazy after All These Years
In the past two decades, the TSA has proven it is ineffective in providing real security for airline passengers. However, its growing incompetence is matched only by its increasing intrusion into travelers' lives. Original Article: The TSA Is Still Crazy after
The Worse-than-Medieval Economics of Climate Technocrats
Mainstream economists turned climate warriors use cost-of-production methods to determine the “true” social cost of carbon. They appeal to a discredited methodology falsely attributed to medieval Scholastics. Original Article: The Worse-than-Medieval Economics of Climate Technocrats
The More Complex the Society, The Less Government Control We Need
Progressives claim that perhaps individual freedom might be appropriate for a simpler society but that as society grows more complex, the need for government grows. As Leonard Read pointed out, however, greater complexity requires greater freedom, not less. Original Article: The More
All-Time Highs!
In this week's episode, Mark looks at "All-Time Highs" in such things as stocks, real estate, and stock indexes. Housing prices hit an all-time high this week, and gold is not far behind. While all-time highs—or even "new highs"—are unambiguously good for
Ezra Klein’s Progressivism Cannot Build Anything Socially Useful
In 1982, I had the privilege of touring East Berlin with Murray Rothbard and other delegates from the Mont Pelerin Society. At the time, the Western press heaped praise on East Germany for what progressives believed to be the many
Review of: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up
Ever wonder if you were living in the Dystopian States of America? Senator Rand Paul’s Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up, published October 10, 2023, does not disarm those haunting feelings. This book is not for those who wish to place everything
Can Milei Really Shut Down Argentina’s Central Bank?
The monumental fiscal and monetary hole that Peronists Massa and Fernández have left for Javier Milei is difficult to replicate. Ex-president Mauricio Macri himself explained that the inheritance Milei receives is “worse” than the one he found from Cristina Fernández de
Friday Feature: The Drexel Fund
Colleen Hroncich “School choice won’t work here because there
Take the Time to Appreciate the Benefits of Free Trade
Gabriella Beaumont-Smith Trade is traditionally thought about in the