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December 2023

  /    /  December (Page 10)

In May this year, the Congressional Budget Office estimated outstanding US government debt next October to be $27,388 billion. By the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year, it will exceed $34,000 billion. It is soaring out of

In this week's episode Mark explains the term "Greenwashing" and describes how Austrian economists might agree with the sentiment behind it. Are Austrian school economists against the environment? Mark thinks not and explains why.   Be sure to follow Minor Issues at

Colleen Hroncich “A match made in heaven,” is how Rabbi Isaac Melnick describes the partnership that resulted in Shorashim Academy in Plantation, Florida. Previously, Isaac ran a large Judaic afterschool program at an English‐​Hebrew Charter School. His Shorashim co‐​founder, Rabbi Dr. Gur