Government-Enforced Paid Family Leave Is Not Pro-Family
Christianity Today magazine enthusiastically endorses government-enforced family leave, calling it “pro-family.” Government coercion, however, is still violence, not something to be championed. Original Article: Government-Enforced Paid Family Leave Is Not Pro-Family
Statism Is the Cause of the Israel-Hamas War
The State is an organized crime racket. It appropriates wealth by coercion and regularly uses force in violation of the n0n-aggression principle. The State is a parasite that perpetuates itself at all costs and extends itself by any means possible.
Mises Institute Announces Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo as President
For Immediate Release Auburn, Ala. – The Mises Institute announced that Thomas DiLorenzo has been named its next president, following approval by its Board of Directors. DiLorenzo has a long and distinguished career as an academic economist, author, and speaker. He was
OECD’s Pillar One: A Step Towards Chaos Rather Than Stability
Adam N. Michel The OECD has been working with European countries and the Biden administration to rewrite the rules that govern how international businesses are taxed on their global profits. This sprawling effort is made up of two pillars, which,
Canadian Digital Protectionism Gravely Threatens Free Speech
In 2023, Canada’s parliament passed two significant pieces of legislation, Bills C-11 and C-18, both of which have stirred debates and concerns regarding their potential impact on online freedom and political censorship. Bill C-18, commonly known as the Online News
What’s Another $56 Billion in Emergency Spending?
Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett The Biden administration is requesting another federal agency‐sized supplemental. This time, it’s $56 billion in new emergency spending for natural disasters, childcare, and high‐speed internet. With deficits in the trillions and interest rates at historic highs, Congress
Conducting hypothesis tests with a Turnbull estimator with pooled data drives me crazy
I wrote a referee comment to the effect of: Many contingent valuation method researchers use the nonparametrice Turnbull WTP estimates for hypothesis testing. This is is inappropriate when the data must be "pooled" to get the willingness to pay (e.g., the
Rothbard on Suits for Defamation
David Gordon explains Murray Rothbard's famous assertion that laws against libel and slander should not be on the books. Original Article: Rothbard on Suits for Defamation
No Monetary or Political Bailouts for Belt-and-Road Initiative Debtors
It’s been more than three decades since the Berlin Wall fell and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. At the time, when everyone knew that the time for the “mothership” of socialism had come, China didn’t want to take the