The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft
Not satisfied with the futile and destructive wars it has fought in this century, leaders of the US Armed Forces now want reinstatement of the draft. Instead, perhaps our government should give peace a chance. Original Article: The US Military Is Laying the
Governments Infringe on Women’s Right to Decide Where to Have Their Baby
Jeffrey A. Singer Birthing centers have been gaining popularity as alternative venues for labor and delivery. Nurse midwives usually operate them. In some regions of the country, such as rural Alabama, they enable African‐American women to give birth in culturally familiar
State Taxes and Debt
Chris Edwards Government legislators pursue spending increases because they believe that spending solves problems in society and benefits their constituents. However, they use methods of fiscal illusion to try to hide the costs of spending. One method is debt. By borrowing,
Deeper Than ‘Banning’: Possible Liberal Bias Detected in Public School Libraries
Neal McCluskey Over the last few years, there has been a surge in challenges to books in public school libraries. These “banning” battles have drawn considerable attention – and alarm – but they miss deeper questions: How do public schools select books
Back to the Future Morphs into Dystopia
It is 2023, eight years after 2015, the year of flying cars and climate-controlled clothing that Marty McFly traveled to in a time machine. In our own world, the ruling elite wants to ban cars to control the climate. How
A Dollarization Reading List
Gabriela Calderon de Burgos Since Javier Milei not only made the campaign for Argentina’s presidency a three‐horse race but became the likeliest to occupy the Casa Rosada this coming December, there has been much reporting in the international press about dollarization, his
Menthol Tobacco Ban Appears Inevitable. Expect a Healthy Black Market, More Criminal Justice Inequities
Jeffrey A. Singer In April 2022, when the Food and Drug Administration announced plans to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes and cigars, I blogged about it, explaining why it was a bad idea. Later, in response to the agency’s request for public
The State against Anonymity
Governments are using intimidation to regulate independent journalists on the decentralized internet. Original Article: The State against Anonymity
The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a “Populist Opposition” Government
One of the most eventful things to have happened recently was from an unexpected source. The State Department and the intelligence apparatus didn’t initiate any coups somewhere in the Third World, the Kremlin didn’t launch a blitzkrieg and capture Kiev,