The State as Modern-Day Superstition: Unraveling the Illusions of Authority
Without the erroneous public perception and judgment of the state as just and necessary and without the public’s voluntary cooperation, even the seemingly most powerful government would implode and its powers evaporate. Thus liberated, we would regain our right to
Right to Financial Privacy Act Fails to Protect People’s Privacy, Again
Nicholas Anthony Bank of America is at the center of an ongoing January 6 investigation. Yet not because it (or its leadership) was directly involved in the riot. Rather, there has been an ongoing investigation into whether Bank of America supplied
Climate adaptation in the lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine (but don’t get too excited)
Some people will get very excited by the title of this post (before the parenthetical) but don't for one minute think this adaptive behavior isn't costly (Heating Waters Force Change in Industries That Depend on the Ocean): In Maine, lobsters are
How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime’s Enemies
In the Gulag, political prisoners were systematically terrorized by ordinary criminals with the encouragement of the authorities. It was hoped this would help the regime liquidate the state's ideological enemies. Original Article: "How the Soviets Used Common Criminals to Destroy the Regime's
America’s Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable
America’s federally sanctioned entitlement programs, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, each face bankruptcy in the next few years. Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society legislation. Social Security was created in 1935
Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels
Leonard Read's famous "I, Pencil" explained the workings of the market in terms of the creation of a simple pencil. However, we should not forget that the reviled fossil fuels are involved at every turn. Original Article: "Not Even a Pencil
Yellow Trucking Goes Bankrupt, Thanks in Part to Onerous Labor Laws
Yellow Trucking Company has filed for bankruptcy and ceases to exist as a viable firm. Much of the blame is due to the Teamsters Union which has a long a violent history. Original Article: "Yellow Trucking Goes Bankrupt, Thanks in Part
The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare
The seventy-fifth-anniversary celebration of the British National Health Service masked the real failures of this system, one that only can become worse over time. Original Article: "The British NHS More Resembles a Statist Cult Than Advanced Healthcare"
Why We Need a Crash Landing
In this episode, Mark explains why we need a Crash (or very Hard) Landing in the US economy and the world economy. Specifically, why is a crash landing better to resolve the malinvestments caused by the Fed? Why is a crash landing
Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken
Christian conservatives, for the most part, are relatively receptive to free markets, or at least a generalized concept of what used to be called free enterprise. (This is as opposed to a lot of evangelical economists teaching at Christian colleges