New York City’s Two Overdose Prevention Centers Saved One Thousand Lives Since They Opened. Will The Feds Reward Them by Shutting Them Down?
Jeffrey A. Singer OnPoint NYC, the harm reduction organization tasked with opening and operating New York City’s two overdose prevention centers (OPCs), announced that since the two centers (one in East Harlem and one in Washington Heights) launched on November 30, 2021,
Why Governments Hate Honest Money
The middle class in all developed economies is disappearing through a constant process of erosion of its capacity to climb the social ladder. This is happening in the middle of massive so-called stimulus plans, large entitlement programs, endless deficit spending, and “social”
Pennsylvania Legislators Want Higher Unemployment, Government Dependency, and Crime
Pennsylvania legislators don't claim to be putting people out of work or killing job opportunities. They claim they just want workers to earn more pay. Original Article: "Pennsylvania Legislators Want Higher Unemployment, Government Dependency, and Crime"
Big Governments’ One-Two Punch: Scope Creep, Then Wartime Deprivation
Voluntary cooperation gets commandeered by the government gradually in peacetime, then suddenly through war. Peace, then World War I Starting in 1894, the USA no longer had a small-government major party. In both major parties, majorities of elected representatives were the USA’s
The Soviet Abuse of Indigenous Peoples
Socialists and communists claim to support the rights of "indigenous" peoples. However, that support rings hollow given how the USSR abused the native peoples of Siberia, all while American socialists and communists uncritically supported the Soviet Union. Original Article: "The Soviet Abuse of
Politics Has Infected Everything in Our Society, and Especially the Media
One of the few things that most Americans agree about today is that there are serious problems with the current news-media environment. Conservatives have spent decades denouncing the “liberal media,” labeling it a thinly veiled arm of the Democratic Party
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row
Money supply growth fell again in June, remaining deep in negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. June's drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of
Biden’s New Federal Czar for the Middle‐School Library
Gene Healy “The library looms as the next big confrontation in the culture war,” the Atlantic reports, and President Biden, our Culture‐Warrior‐in‐Chief, is itching for the fight. “The president signaled a new approach in his late‐April announcement video, when he cited book
Liberalism and Peace
Recorded at the 2003 Supporters Summit: Prosperty, War, and Depression. Ralph Raico discusses how from Jefferson to Madison, and on to Bastiat, Molinari, and Spencer, the "classical" liberals routinely denounced war as the enemy of freedom, prudence, and natural rights. Instead,
States Can Curb Federal Power through “Soft Secession”
The use of interstate compacts by US states shows that the states don't need the federal government to dictate or manage interstate relations. Original Article: "States Can Curb Federal Power through "Soft Secession""