The Debt Ceiling Debate Was Pure Theater
When it comes to the debt ceiling, political parties are irrelevant, and the recent debt ceiling drama, was little more than a sham. Original Article: "The Debt Ceiling Debate Was Pure Theater"
The Propaganda of “Bidenomics”
The Biden Administration is attempting to do a victory lap for "Bidenomics", but the public isn't buying it. On this episode of Good Money, Dr. Jonathan Newman joins the show to talk about his doubts of a "soft landing" for
Austrian Economics in Nigeria
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Econ Bro, the founder of Nigerian Liberty, which offers seminars in Austrian economics in Nigeria. The three discuss the inflation crisis in Nigeria, the cultural consequences
Easy Money Is a Much Bigger Economic Problem than Debt
Many economic commentators view debt as a major risk factor as far as economic health is concerned. This way of thinking has its origins in the writings of Irving Fisher. According to Fisher, the high level of debt runs the
George Will: Overcoming Constitutional Queasiness to Head Off a Fiscal Crisis
Romina Boccia Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will wrote about an idea I’ve been pitching for several months: a BRAC‐like fiscal commission to help Congress stabilize the growth in the debt. In his column, titled “A fiscal crisis awaits. Here’s a provocative idea
Defund the Police?
Jeffrey Miron This article appeared on Substack on August 10, 2023. The Defund the Police (DTP) movement raises an interesting question for libertarians. On the one hand, libertarians abhor excessive police violence, against minorities and generally. On the other hand, libertarians, and
A revised contingent valuation entry in the Elsevier Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
The second edition of the Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics is in the works. Me and Tim have revised our entry on the Contingent Valuation Method. Other than annoying required format changes from the first to the
Bidenomics Is Yet Another Version of Failed Industrial Policy
President Biden announced recently to much fanfare that his administration will transform the US economy through central planning. This does not end well. Original Article: "Bidenomics Is Yet Another Version of Failed Industrial Policy"
Against Our Limitless Regime: An Empire of Lies
From war across the globe to regulating speech to printing trillions of dollars, the American regime accepts no limits on its power. As Ludwig von Mises understood, the state will take as much power as the people will let it,
Voting with Their Feet: The Lure of Migration
The exodus of human capital is a primary concern for developing countries wishing to stem the tide of emigration. Some believe that emigration prevents poor countries from capitalizing on the talents of their best people. Critics suggest that poor countries