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August 2023

  /    /  August (Page 15)

Michael Rectenwald talks with Paul Gottfried about Paleoconservatism, the left, Wokism, the identity and ethos of the ruling elite, and decentralization. Join us in Nashville on September 23rd for a no-holds-barred discussion against the regime. Use code "Rekt23" for $45 off

Clark Neily Up until now, I’ve been hesitant to predict how the various prosecutions of Donald Trump are likely to turn out. But no longer. I believe yesterday’s indictment in Georgia sealed Trump’s fate, and it is now all but certain that

Clark Neily Up until now, I’ve been hesitant to predict how the various prosecutions of Donald Trump are likely to turn out. But no longer. I believe yesterday’s indictment in Georgia sealed Trump’s fate, and it is now all but certain that

Jeffrey Miron This article appeared on Substack on June 22, 2023 Javier Milei is the Argentinian politician who just won the open primary in Argentina’s presidential election. The first round of the general will be October 22nd, with a final round in November,