No, Small Countries Are Not at an Economic Disadvantage
Some analysts contend that size can be a deterrent to economic prosperity, so as a result, small states are particularly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks. Usually, small states are discussed in light of their limitations and challenges. Even leaders
The State Protects Itself While Crime against Ordinary People Surges
In all the media and regime frenzy over the Janaury 6 riots and the Pentagon Leaker in recent months, it is interesting to examine the contrast between how the regime treats "crimes" against its own interests, and real crime committed against ordinary
Parsing the Factual Errors in the Montana Climate Ruling, Part One
Travis Fisher This is Part One of a multiple‐part response to the recent court order issued in the case Held v. Montana. On August 14, Montana District Court Judge Kathy Seeley sided with climate activists (“youth plaintiffs”) in Held v. Montana, a first‐of‐its‐kind victory
They Didn’t Listen: The Reality of Hayek’s Bestseller
In 1944, F.A. Hayek's best-selling book, The Road to Serfdom, warned the West that the "free" nations would lose their freedom as government expanded. He was right. Original Article: "They Didn't Listen: The Reality of Hayek’s Bestseller"
Beyond Crisis: The Ratchet Effect and the Erosion of Liberty
The Constitution “is not a suicide pact,” said Justice Arthur Goldberg in the court’s opinion in the 1963 Supreme Court case of Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez. His statement highlights a fundamental truth: in times of crisis, governments often feel compelled to
James L. Buckley, R.I.P.
Roger Pilon I’m saddened to report that Jim Buckley has died at the age of 100. Juliana and I have enjoyed his friendship for many years, especially after he moved just down the road from us a few years ago. Jim was also
What Else Was Trending in State Technology and Innovation Proposals in 2022–2023?
Jennifer Huddleston and Gent Salihu As discussed in prior posts, the 2022–2023 legislative session saw a surge in state legislation to protect kids’ online safety and state data privacy laws. But what else have states been working on during this recent legislative
Friday Feature: Bramblewood Learning Community
Colleen Hroncich Bramblewood Learning Community founder Danika Dunn says her oldest son didn’t have a bad experience when he attended first grade in his local district. But it wasn’t great. “School was fine, but I wanted something different,” she explains. “I knew that
A Recession Coming in 2023? With Dr. Murray Sabrin
On this episode of Good Money with Tho Bishop, Dr. Murray Sabrin joins the show. Dr. Sabrin shares his story of how he became an Austrian economist and discusses his analysis predicting a recession later in the year. Tho and
Saving Marxism from the Labor Theory of Value: It Is Still Bad Theory
Capitalism—Its Nature and Its Replacement: Buddhist and Marxist Insightsby Graham PriestRoutledge, 2021; 312 pp. The title of this book seems at first sight puzzling: what has Buddhism to do with Marxism? When we learn that the author accepts Karl Marx’s analysis