Default by Inflation Is the Real Drama in the Global Debt Market
While the faux debt ceiling drama rages in Washington, DC, governments worldwide are defaulting on their debt via inflation. Original Article: "Default by Inflation Is the Real Drama in the Global Debt Market"
Myth #5: Economists, Using Charts or High Speed Computer Models, Can Accurately Forecast the Future
Recorded by the Mises Institute in the mid-1980s, The Mises Report provided radio commentary from leading non-interventionists, economists, and political scientists. In this program, we present another part of "Ten Great Economic Myths". This material was prepared by Murray N.
How Should We Regulate the Sun (Since Our Government Regulates Nearly Everything Else)?
When we think of “solar power,” we picture a field or a roof full of glass panels churning out electricity. However, this is just a more recent development in channeling the sun’s energy. Most histories of solar power will begin
The Affirmative-Action Ruling Strengthens Vast Federal “Anti-Discrimination” Powers
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected race-based admissions in higher education at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). The ruling likely calls into question the legality of most race-based college admissions policies, especially
The Mystery of the Inverted Yield Curve
In this week's episode, Mark looks back at the history of the Inverted Yield Curve. While many observers have now dismissed the significance of the yield curve inversion in 2022 and no recession yet, Mark shows that the history of the IYC can
Declaring Independence from the Parasite Caste
July 4 is approaching, and many Americans are excited to celebrate their so-called independence. Why? How will this July 4 be any different from that of 2020? Haven’t the past three years revealed that Americans not only take liberty for
Unraveling the Fallacy of Natural Monopolies
Most cartels and trusts would never have been set up had not the governments created the necessary conditions by protectionist measures. Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency immanent in capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist
Why the Official Data Shows There’s No Recession
Allow me to explain why we have not seen a recession yet despite the collapse in base money supply. We are witnessing the stealth nationalization of the economy. What does this mean? The entire burden of the monetary collapse and rate