Disarm All Federal Agents
There are now more armed civilian federal agents than there are US Marines. These well-funded armies of federal enforcers from the alphabet agencies are there to be used against US citizens at the whims of federal policymakers. Every last one of
The Trouble with the Constitution and the “Social Contract”
Politics is of its very nature biased in favor of intervention and planning. Even in its “minarchist” or “night-watchman” version, politics is based at root on the idea that some decisions must be made coercively and imposed on unwilling minorities
It’s Raining Entrepreneurship at a Taylor Swift Concert
While rain at an outdoor concert is a nuisance for most attendees, a few entrepreneurs saw not "pennies from heaven," but dollars. Original Article: "It’s Raining Entrepreneurship at a Taylor Swift Concert"
Producers, Not Consumers, Are the Engine of Economic Growth
Keynesian economists believe that recessions occur because of a weakening in aggregate demand, so boosting demand will end the downturn. Whenever an economy shows signs of weakness, most experts believe that increasing aggregate demand will prevent the economy from sliding
The Promising Results of Accessory Dwelling Unit Reform
Vanessa Brown Calder and Jordan Gygi Housing prices remain high throughout the country, and policymakers in many places have acknowledged the need to expand housing supply to reduce prices and even combat homelessness. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) provide one option
David French Gets to Sit with the Cool Kids at the NYT Lunch Table
New York Times columnist David French likes to think of himself as an honest broker. In reality, his "Never Trump" mentality leads him to overlook government lawbreaking. Original Article: "David French Gets to Sit with the Cool Kids at the NYT Lunch Table"
The Reality of the Market Process
As we enter the dog days of summer, I have heard several media conversations and a few private ones that express exasperation over languishing capital markets. Why do things take so long to unravel? What will happen next? When will
Housing Prices Are Falling As Reality Sinks In
The local paper’s headline posed the question, “Do renters have the upper hand in Las Vegas right now?” “[The apartment project] offered us two weeks of no rent to get us moved in on the timeline we wanted,” said a
You Can’t Depend on the State to Maintain Public Order
Crime is increasing in American cities, but don't count on police to protect you. The Defund the Police movement has less to do with that than most people think. Original Article: "You Can’t Depend on the State to Maintain Public Order"