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June 2023

  /    /  June

David Boaz Here we go again. Another “obituary” for libertarianism. While Salon Magazine declares that we all live in a “libertarian dystopia,” and a new brand of big‐​government conservatives promise to free the Republican party and American government from their libertarian captivity,

Walter Olson The Supreme Court’s decision today in 303 Creative, LLC, v. Elenis correctly applies First Amendment law to vindicate one of the most important dimensions of human liberty: the right not to speak. The Court reviewed a Colorado law that would

The Political Economy of Distributism: Property, Liberty, and the Common Goodby Alexander William SalterCatholic University of America Press, 2023; xiii + 238 pp. Distributism attracted considerable attention during the 1920s and ’30s among people who wished to apply Catholic social teaching