Data Suggest That Transit Is Not a Cost‐Effective Climate Change Solution
Marc Joffe Federal, state, and local governments are being called upon to support struggling transit agencies to meet climate change goals. But spending money on transit is not necessarily the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In most of the
A Limited‐Government Answer to Pregnancy and Childbirth?
Vanessa Brown Calder In the evolving post‐Dobbs policy equilibrium, many Republican policymakers are looking for new policies to support mothers and children. Among other things, these policymakers are concerned with ensuring that mothers are adequately supported before and after birth. Policymakers
Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: The Power of Ideologies and Public Opinion
Previously I explained Ludwig von Mises’s descriptive philosophy of the consent of individuals as the only thing that gives value to norms and authority. Individuals interpret norms and authority as useful—whether or not they are useful in reality for individuals’
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
We started blogging again this year and it has been fun. I've managed to keep up with my quantity expections (quality is an issue)
Why Lower Civics and U.S. History Scores? Maybe Just Less Emphasis on Testing
Neal McCluskey The latest 8th grade National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) civics and U.S. history scores are out, and they have been dropping since 2014. This will no doubt spur lamentations about the state of our kids and our democracy,
SVB Reports From the Fed and GAO Reveal Regulators Long Knew of Problems
Norbert Michel Last week, the Federal Reserve and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) both released reports on the large bank failures that occurred in March 2023. Both reports reveal serious shortcomings of the U.S. regulatory framework for banks. The GAO report discusses
SVB Reports From the Fed and FDIC Reveal Regulators Long Knew of Problems
Norbert Michel Last week, the Federal Reserve and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) both released reports on the large bank failures that occurred in March 2023. Both reports reveal serious shortcomings of the U.S. regulatory framework for banks. The GAO report discusses
From Discipline to No Discipline: The Sorry Evolution of Modern Banking
Walter Bagehot, as Jim Grant writes, believed that bankers and central bankers should exhibit financial discipline. He would not recognize today's banking world. Original Article: "From Discipline to No Discipline: The Sorry Evolution of Modern Banking"
Does GDP Present an Accurate Picture of the Economy? Not Likely
To understand the economy, most financial experts and commentators rely upon gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP framework looks at the value of final goods and services produced during a particular time interval, usually a quarter or a year. This statistic
Divide and Control: Central Bankers Blame the Victims
The Central bankers of the world, apparently losing confidence that they can fix the inflation they created, are turning to Plan B: blame the people. So we fight each other. Last week the chief economist of the Bank of England, Huw