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May 2023

  /    /  May (Page 10)

In this week's episode, Mark explains why the market for existing homes has been diverging from the market for new houses. The Fed ZIRP, QE and Covid bailouts have locked Americans into their mortgages and low payments, reducing the supply

Chris Edwards The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in the news with the release of the Durham report and this week’s testimony in the House about the agency’s politicized leadership. In response to the FBI’s recent failures, many columnists and

Will Duffield Gonzalez v. Google, a much‐​watched Supreme Court case about whether Section 230 protects algorithmic curation, ended with a whimper on Thursday. In a three page per curiam opinion, the Court avoided addressing Section 230 at all. Instead, the court decided Gonzalez via

Illegitimate Authority: Facing the Challenges of Our Timeby Noam Chomsky, edited by C.J. PolychroniouHaymarket Books, 2023; x + 330 pp. Noam Chomsky is universally respected for his contributions to linguistics and to the philosophy of mind, but he is a “public