How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America
Brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers want to “green” the economy. They use the phony “climate change” hoax, aka “global warming,” as the excuse to do this. Their plans will destroy America’s economy, which is dependent on fossil
Why Fox Fired Tucker: BlackRock, Replacement Theory, and the ADL
Why did Fox News fire Tucker Carlson? Some claim that Tucker had planned to leave the network all along, and merely resigned. He had even had a studio built in his own home. He was fed up with Fox and
The GOP’s Modest Debt Limit Proposal
Romina Boccia House Republicans expect to vote on a plan to raise the debt ceiling this week. The Limit, Save, Grow Act put forth by Speaker McCarthy would raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion or suspend it until March 31, 2024—whichever
The Ukraine War Isn’t about Democracy. It’s about States Seeking More Power.
Writing for The Volokh Conspiracy, hosted by Reason magazine, George Mason University law professor Ilya Somin argues that the war in Ukraine amounts to a clash between liberal democracy and authoritarian nationalism and that these stakes must be taken into
Invading Mexico in the Name of the Drug War Is a Really Bad Idea
Sen. Lindsey Graham recently called for US military intervention in Mexico to fight the drug cartels. Someone needs to remind him that Mexico is a sovereign country. Original Article: "Invading Mexico in the Name of the Drug War Is a Really Bad Idea" This
“Foreign Debt” or “Foreign Investment”? How the Trade Deficit Reflects America’s Strength as a Haven for Global Capital
Daniel Griswold America’s annual trade deficit continues to be among the most misunderstood features of the nation’s economy. Trade skeptics tend to blame the deficit for a range of problems, real or imagined, when in fact the current deficit in important ways
Government Budget Deficits Cannot Stimulate True Economic Growth
Keynesian economists say that during an economic slump, the government must run large budget deficits in order to keep the economy going. In contrast, Austrian economists maintain that increased budget deficits are usually monetized, leading to general price increases. Therefore,
Boeing 737 MAX Disasters’ Root Cause Was Government Regulation
When the Boeing 737 MAX had two crashes, the usual suspects called for more regulation. It turns out that the crashes were due more to regulatory failure than anything else. Original Article: "Boeing 737 MAX Disasters' Root Cause Was Government Regulation" This Audio
Canada’s Legal Counterfeiting Ring Is a Product of Progressive Democracy
In 1934, at the behest of Prime Minister R.B. Bennett and with the approval of Parliament, Canada’s central bank, the Bank of Canada (BOC), was founded. It began operations in 1935. Its job is “to promote the economic and financial
Role Reversal: The Collapse of the Dollar-Enforced Empire
A generation ago, the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR collapsed. Today, US monetary authorities are bringing down our own country. Original Article: "Role Reversal: The Collapse of the Dollar-Enforced Empire" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.