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April 2023

  /    /  April (Page 13)

Thomas A. Berry and Isaiah McKinney Cornelius Burgess served as the CEO of Herring Bank for over a decade. After the bank suffered some losses, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) investigated Burgess for allegedly using bank funds for personal expenses. Eventually,

via the SBCA email list: The Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis is offering six professional development workshops this year, organized by leading experts. They include the following; more information is available here: Benefit-Cost Analysis for Beginners (Glenn Blomquist and David Weimer) Economics of Addiction (Elizabeth Botkins, Aaron Kearsley,

Neal McCluskey Supreme Court precedent basically says this about school choice: Including religious schools among options at which families can use a voucher or other government‐​connected funding does not violate the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause because families, not government, determine where the

As we know, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was taken over by the Feds after a bank run. Despite assurances from SVB that they were sound, they obviously failed to understand their precarious situation. Based on SVB’s balance sheet, it was