Why Do Most Countries Have their Own Currency? Governments Wanted It that Way.
Among the many facts of modern life that are accepted without question by most ordinary people is that it is somehow perfectly natural, expected, and unremarkable that every sovereign state should have its own currency. We see this everywhere in
Fast Facts about Medicare and Social Security
Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett Medicare and Social Security are the two largest federal government programs that are also growing the fastest. They are fiscally unsustainable as currently structured. Medicare consists of four parts which provide inpatient care (Part A), outpatient
The Right to a Jury Is Fundamental
Thomas A. Berry and Isaiah McKinney Cornelius Burgess served as the CEO of Herring Bank for over a decade. After the bank suffered some losses, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) investigated Burgess for allegedly using bank funds for personal expenses. Eventually,
The Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis is offereing six professional development workshops this year
via the SBCA email list: The Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis is offering six professional development workshops this year, organized by leading experts. They include the following; more information is available here: https://www.benefitcostanalysis.org/workshops. Benefit-Cost Analysis for Beginners (Glenn Blomquist and David Weimer) Economics of Addiction (Elizabeth Botkins, Aaron Kearsley,
Say “No” to Religious Charter Schools
Neal McCluskey Supreme Court precedent basically says this about school choice: Including religious schools among options at which families can use a voucher or other government‐connected funding does not violate the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause because families, not government, determine where the
Biden’s IRS Enforcement Budget to Skyrocket
Chris Edwards The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 ballooned the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) budget, with the bulk of new spending aimed at tougher enforcement. The law boosted IRS spending by $79 billion over coming years, which will double the agency’s
New Report: Four Ways to Simplify Taxpaying
Adam N. Michel The U.S. tax code is overly complex, with multiple sets of rules and programs that make taxpaying confusing and time-consuming, costing Americans tens of billions of dollars annually. Wholesale structural reforms are needed, but smaller changes can
Why Do Banks Still Fail?
As we know, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was taken over by the Feds after a bank run. Despite assurances from SVB that they were sound, they obviously failed to understand their precarious situation. Based on SVB’s balance sheet, it was
Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East…and Washington is Not Happy!
While we were being distracted by the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war – and Washington’s increasing involvement in the war – tremendous developments in the Middle East have all but ended decades of US meddling in the region. Peace is breaking out
Facing the World at 18
My grandson will graduate from a public school in May, and my daughter, his mom, asked me to write a senior letter for him. He’s been part of my life since he was born, and we’re all very proud of