Reparations Are a Statist Cudgel for Bludgeoning Property Owners
San Francisco’s panel on reparations has issued a recommendation that qualified black residents in that city receive $5 million in reparations for the financial effects of slavery and/or racial discrimination. There was never slavery in the city of San Francisco,
Today’s example of how the critics of environmental regulations ignore the benefits: Clean Neighbor Rule
From the NYTimes (E.P.A. Tells Dozens of States to Clean Up Their Smokestacks): The Biden administration on Wednesday finalized a rule forcing factories and power plants in 23 Western and Midwestern states to sharply cut smog-causing pollution that is released from
Why Biden’s Spending Is Unsustainable
It's popular for politicians to claim they will never cut Social Security. But doing nothing now about the program means imposing an even larger hit on seniors in the future. Original Article: "Why Biden's Spending Is Unsustainable" This Audio Mises Wire is generously
The Fear of Mass Unemployment due to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Is Unfounded
People are arguing over whether artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics will eliminate human employment. People seem to have an all-or-nothing belief that either the use of technology in the workplace will destroy human employment and purpose or it won’t affect
Money Supply Growth Went Negative for the Third Month in a Row, and Is Near a Thirty-Five-Year Low
With negative growth now dipping below –5 percent, money-supply contraction is approaching the biggest declines we've seen in the past thirty-five years. Original Article: "Money Supply Growth Went Negative for the Third Month in a Row, and Is Near a Thirty-Five-Year Low" This
Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: Utilitarianism and the Demythologization of Authority
I have previously explained how for Ludwig von Mises, democracy is necessary for the libertarian society because of its usefulness in achieving and maintaining social peace, insofar as social peace is a prerequisite for economic and civil liberty. This time I
The “Meritocracy” Was Created by and for the Progressive Ruling Class
All of Al Gore's children went to Harvard. Are we really to believe that this is because the Gore kids had the most "merit"? The only real meritocracy is in the marketplace. Original Article: "The "Meritocracy" Was Created by and for the Progressive Ruling
Our article in the Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy’s “sizing up survey samples” symposium (?) is published online
This paper resulted from the BP/Deepwater Horizon damage assessment conducted for the state of Florida (Huffaker, Clouwer and Larkin 2012). We used the Knowledge Networks (KN) internet panel for the sample (besides me, the authors are Andrew Ropicki, John Loomis,
Silicon Valley Bank and the Failure of Fractional Reserve Banking
With the apparent failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) potentially causing a crisis in the American and even the global financial system, we will be treated to all manner of explanations, very few of which will accurately state the cause
Looming Bank Failures Point to More Price Inflation as Real Wages Fall Again
The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data today, and according to the report, price inflation during the month decelerated slightly, coming in at the lowest year-over-year increase in eighteen months. According to the BLS, Consumer Price