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February 2023

  /    /  February (Page 11)

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Joe Biden uncorked a series of howlers that eventually spurred heckling from Republican members of Congress. Pundits raced to condemn the backlash to Biden “You saw real white trash on display,” declared

Mark Thornton takes a look back at US stock markets, the national debt, and Fed policy (ZIRP, money supply, and its balance sheet). "After the Boom Must Come the Bust" (Radio Rothbard): Austrian Economic Research Conference: Be sure to follow Minor Issues at

Mises Institute scholar and Troy University business school Dean Allen Mendenhall is among the leading critics of woke capital. He leads a new initiative against the perverse investment practices demanded by ESG/DEI commissars, and joins Jeff Deist to discuss both the origins of "stakeholder"