This is going into my tragedy of the commons course material
From Marginal Revolution University’s Women in Economics:
via Twitter: @Laurent Franckx
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From Marginal Revolution University’s Women in Economics:
via Twitter: @Laurent Franckx
Sea-level Rise, Groundwater Quality, and the Impacts on Coastal Homeowners Dennis Guignet, O. Ashton Morgan, Craig Landry, John C. Whitehead, William Anderson Abstract: Sea-level rise poses a growing threat to coastal communities and economies across the globe. North Carolina (NC) is no exception, with coastal communities facing
Total Economic Valuation of Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries: Attribute Non-attendance, Hypothetical Bias and Insensitivity to Scope John C. Whitehead, Louis Cornicelli and Gregory Howard Abstract: We use stated preference methods to estimate willingness to pay to avoid reductions in recreational catch in Great Lakes fisheries.
The Aggregate Economic Value of Great Lakes Recreational Fishing Trips John C. Whitehead, Louis Cornicelli, Lisa Bragg and Rob Southwick Abstract: We use the contingent valuation method in a survey of Great Lakes anglers to estimate the willingness to pay for a