David Leonhardt reviews the successes and failures of President Biden’s economic team as it transitions
David Leonhardt reviews the successes (low unemployment) and failures (inflation) of President Biden’s economic team as it transitions in the NYT’s what I think used to be called the the Morning Brief but now it is The Morning. After mentioning infrastructure investment we get this:
Close readers may have noticed that the above list of investments left off one category: clean energy. I think it is important enough to highlight. Given the extreme costs and dangers of climate change, Biden’s investments to accelerate the transition away from greenhouse gases may end up being the most important part of his economic legacy.
The link takes you to July when Senators Schumer and Manchin made a deal:
The package will include tax credits to speed up the development of wind, solar, hydrogen and nuclear power; a tax credit to reduce the price of new electric vehicles; and money to address the disproportionate burden of pollution on low-income communities and communities of color.
I had totally missed the last part on environmental justice. Can anyone point me to what they did there?