The End of a Free Ride
Two economists walk into an AERE happy hour in New Orleans.
One says, “Hey, are you and Economist 3 done providing that awesome public good?”
Two says, “Ya know, we’ve been thinking about providing it again!”
One says, “DO IT! It’s so useful to the world! I love free riding!”
Two sips beer. One sips beer.
Days pass, then… the provision of the public good begins again! Economist One is excited and tweets:
Then… Economist Two pounces:
I am Justin Roush, Assistant Professor of Economics at Xavier University, and I am no longer a free rider. Husband, dad of two wrecking balls (two boys), enjoyer of craft beer, triathlete. I research firm pollution. I enjoy thinking about emissions policy and have a growing interest in environmental nudges (I also research behavioral economics). My employer puts a great deal of value on teaching, so I publish in pedagogical outlets as well.
I’ll be dropping in from time to time to contribute. Thanks John and Tim for taxing me for the use of this public good inviting me to write!