Resource and Energy Economics published a corridendum that adds authors
Here is how it looks in my inbox: Corrigendum to “Exploring the shelf-life of travel cost methods of valuing recreation for benefits transfer” [Resour. Energy Econ. 63 (2021) 101123]. If you click on that it takes you to something I’ve never seen before:
The article previously included Xiaoyang He and Gregory L. Poe as authors. Muhammed Jawad Khan and Elizabeth M. Spink have been added as authors to reflect their substantial contributions to data generation, analysis, and the empirical strategy used in early stages of this research. The corrected authorship is as follows: He, Xiaoyang, Muhammed Jawad Khan, Elizabeth M. Spink, and Gregory L. Poe.
The original article was published in “Introduction to valuing and managing the environment: A special issue in honor of Gregory L. Poe.”
In April 2018, a symposium was held at Cornell University to celebrate the life and professional contributions of Gregory L. Poe. Greg was a Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at Cornell from 1993 until his unexpected passing in 2017. …
Below is what you see when you click on the original article. The two authors under the title and then you need to go to the corrigendum to see that there are two more authors.