World Dollar Hegemony Is Ending (and That May Be a Good Thing)
The end of world dollar hegemony is coming and hardly anyone in government is taking notice or even understands what this means. Since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, the dollar has been the only currency accepted throughout the world
The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran
The Ponzi game known as selling US government debt is nearing its end. The seller is running out of suckers. Original Article: "The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
Rothbard on Gold
At a time when inflation once again ravages the dollar, we recall Murray Rothbard's wisdom in his article "The Case for a Genuine Gold Dollar." Original Article: "Rothbard on Gold" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
Changing of the Guard: Can Musk Deliver on His Promises for Free Speech and Information?
While Elon Musk says he will bring free speech back to Twitter, the forces of statism will not be still. The jury is out on how successful Musk's experiment will be. Original Article: "Changing of the Guard: Can Musk Deliver on His
Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation
In July 2022, the Canadian government announced its intention to reduce “emissions from the application of fertilizers by 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030.” In the previous month, the government of the Netherlands publicly stated that it would implement
Are Robots and AI Really Going to Displace All Workers? Probably Not
Among the components of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset are a drastically reduced population and the replacement of human labor with robots and artificial intelligence (AI). The question immediately comes to mind: can robots and AI really make all
The Number of Employed Workers Fell in October and Price Inflation Continues to Outpace Wages
In another sign of weakness for the job market, the total number of employed persons in the United States fell, month over month, in October. That's the third time in the last seven months this total has fallen, dropping to
Why Proposition 13 and Attacking It Are Both Popular
More than forty years ago, California voters enthusiastically passed Proposition 13, which limited property tax hikes. Politicians have been lying about it ever since. Original Article: "Why Proposition 13 and Attacking It Are Both Popular" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by
Facts and Data Have No Meaning without a Theory to Explain Them
Many economists, including Milton Friedman, have believed that since it is impossible to establish “how things really work,” the underlying assumptions of a model are unimportant. Anything goes provided the model can yield good predictions. Friedman wrote: The ultimate goal of
The Socio-Politics of the Midterms
Jeff joins Chris Casey of WindRock Wealth Management for a deep analysis of next week's punishing midterm elections.