Do “Technology Shocks” Create the Boom-Bust Cycles?
Most economists hypothesize that in the real world there are relationships between various economic variables. For instance, the relation between personal consumption expenditure and income after tax can be hypothesized as: Personal consumption = a* Income after tax, With a being a
Are Robots and AI Really Going to Displace All Workers? Probably Not
As fear that robots and artificial intelligence will take over whole lines of work, it is time to examine the real relationship between capital and the rest of us. Original Article: "Are Robots and AI Really Going to Displace All Workers? Probably
American Chip “Independence”: Protectionism by Another Name
Virtually all aspects of modern, interconnected, and digitized life rely on the processing and memory capabilities of advanced semiconductor computer chips. Electronic devices including smartphones, game consoles, cars, televisions, household appliances, military hardware, and medical equipment rely on these minute,
The Election Won’t Change Much in DC. The Real Battle Is Now in the States.
The votes are still being counted, but one thing is already clear: very little will change in Washington after this election. The House of Representatives will likely be controlled by Republicans, but the majority enjoyed by the GOP in the House
The Red Wave that Wasn’t
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Tho Bishop and Ryan McMaken break down the results of this year's midterms. American anxiety over inflation and crime failed to create the red wave many expected. While Republicans took back the House, and maybe
Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation
As "decarbonize agriculture" becomes the watchword, powerful multinational agriculture firms have embraced the 2030 UN agenda. Their actions will result in widespread hunger. Original Article: "Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
The Science Is Wrong: It’s Soil, Not Oil
The decision seemed natural at the time. An economic storm was looming once again. This one looked really bad. The time was now or never, I figured. The financial rat race was sterile. So was the associated environmental destruction. I
Facts and Data Have No Meaning without a Theory to Explain Them
Mainstream economists claim that data alone can explain economic actions. Austrians know that without theory, data explains nothing. Original Article: "Facts and Data Have No Meaning without a Theory to Explain Them" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. '
The End of World Dollar Hegemony: Turning the USA into Weimar Germany
In a recent essay, I explained how over time the US abused its responsibility to control the supply of dollars, the world’s premier reserve currency for settling international trade accounts among nations. This abrogation of its duties is leading to